A few days ago the family was away from home doing something and I got bored in the backyard. I had not taken a walk that day, so I decided it would help them a lot if I took care of that myself. After a while I found a small crack in the fence that allowed me to squeeze through.
By the time I got to Elm Street it was already dark. I decided to turn around when all of a sudden I saw a blurry shadow. A dog? A puff of smoke? An evil squirrel? A ghost! Suddenly the ghost turned around to go after me. Without much thought I ran faster than ever. After a few minutes I glanced over my shoulder to see if the spook was still following me. He had disappeared! All I could see was a fluffy Chow Chow looking like a teddy bear. I asked him whether he had seen a ghost. "Oh no," he said. "I'm looking for a black dog." I told him that I had not seen a black dog recently. The chow said that his name was Ming and that he had been living on the streets since he was kicked out of house and home. Ming was really hungry. We struck a bargain: I invited him to come home with me where I would share some of my food. In exchange the chow agreed to show me some places with free food.
We never found out what happened to the ghost and the black dog.
Ming the chow chow
What a precious dog!!!!